What We're Working On
Learn About Ongoing SEI Initiatives
Street Epistemology International oversees a variety of programs designed to expand access, promote adoption, and drive innovation in collaborative inquiry techniques. Through these efforts, Street Epistemology is growing as a practical approach to encourage meaningful conversations and critical thinking around the world.
Here are some of the projects we are working on.
Studying Street Epistemology Scientifically
There areĀ tons of anecdotal examples suggesting Street EpistemologyĀ is effective and profound, but does it really do anything?
We're working with a leading researcher in the meta-cognition space to conduct a groundbreaking study to answer that question. We expect to collect a wealth of data that will provide valuable insights into its impact.
Once complete, we will share the published results and the methodology used to ensure transparency and further exploration.

Researching, Writing, and Securing Grant Proposals
Street Epistemology International is gearing up to take a major step forward by seeking and completing grant writing proposals to expand our efforts worldwide.
With our strategic planning completed and a detailed business plan, we are well-prepared to take action. These plans provide the foundation for executing bold initiatives that will scale our programs, develop new resources, and bring Street Epistemology to even more communities across the globe.
We are committed to selecting grants that align with our mission and values, ensuring that our integrity remains uncompromised as we pursue opportunities to amplify our impact.
This is an exciting moment for us, and weā€™re ready to execute on our vision to promote thoughtful dialogue and critical thinking on a global scale.
Translating English Materials into Other Languages
As Street Epistemology continues to grow globally, the demand for high-quality translations of our materials has never been greater. While AI tools have proven helpful for initial drafts, they fall short when it comes to capturing the nuance and precision required for effective communication.
We are in real need of skilled translators who can produce high-quality work, ideally with a general understandingā€”or betterā€”of Street Epistemology to ensure the integrity and clarity of our content across languages.
By expanding access to translated materials, we aim to support more communities worldwide in exploring and applying the principles of Street Epistemology.

Facilitating Expert Talks and Workshops
Street Epistemology International frequently receives requests for knowledgeable speakers to deliver talks, workshops, and practice sessions on Street Epistemology. The demand has grown so much that we can no longer meet it all ourselves.
We are exploring ways to connect communities and organizations with skilled practitioners who can share their expertise and inspire thoughtful dialogue. These opportunities not only promote awareness but also empower others to incorporate Street Epistemology into their own contexts.
If you're interested in becoming a speaker or hosting an event, stay tuned as we work to expand our network and create more opportunities for meaningful engagement.