Helping the Help Desk
We’re seeking people with expertise in Street Epistemology to manage inquiries from learners taking the self-directed course.
1 February 2022
Things continue to progress nicely for our non-profit organization.
The SE Course is coming along really well, with our first seven modules in various stages of completion. Module 3: Street Epistemology Overview has been written and is nearing completion of focus group testing. Module 1: What is Street Epistemology is nearly complete after months of writing and discussion sessions and should be available to volunteers to review in the next few weeks. We’ll make a public announcement when that’s ready for those interested in getting a sneak peek and giving us some feedback on this roughly 40-page document. When complete, the SE Course will very likely reduce a lot of confusion and disagreement around Street Epistemology and perhaps establish a baseline from which to contrast new thoughts and suggestions.
In our discussions with various vendors and experts, we’re learning more about Learning Management Systems (LMS) as a way to distribute the self-directed SE Course and other learning resources that we’ll be developing over the coming months and years. We could really use help from someone who is familiar with LMS applications, website back-end solutions, and modern website front-end offerings so we can select a vendor(s) who can help us bring all three pieces together. Email [email protected] if you know someone who might be able to take the lead on such an initiative.
Alongside the release of the SE Course will be a way for learners to request help if they get stuck, have a suggestion for improvement, or need assistance for some other reason. Improvements from the members of the SE community will be considered and, if applicable, re-incorporated back into the course. In order to provide this service, we’re looking for dedicated people experienced with SE who are familiar with our learning materials and have some free time on their hands to help manage this Help Desk. Email [email protected] if this sounds like something you would be interested in volunteering a few hours a week.
It’s been great to see people discover Street Epistemology, see the value in such an approach, and share it with others on social media. Do a search for #streetepistemology on your favorite online platform to get a sense of this growth.
Passionate about our mission? We still have a position available on the board. Ready-to-work volunteers only. Private message me if this interests you.
Best regards,
Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International