These Projects are Getting Serious
Two projects in particular are taking most of our time and will need support from volunteers and donors.
10 October 2021
Here’s another update for you from Street Epistemology International.
The SE Course
Four small teams of volunteers have been dutifully working on Modules 1, 2, 3, and 5 for the upcoming self-directed course. We’re now at the phase where each module is getting a final review by SE subject matter experts before making them available to the public for feedback. I’d like to have Modules 1-7 ready for the public by the end of this year, but we’ll see. Quality over speed is our current mantra.
We have found a graphic designer who will add illustrations for each module, and a lead editor who can take what our teams came up with and make suggestions so that they will all have a similar tone and appearance. These two roles in particular will cost money, so if you are looking to make a sizable donation to SEI before the end of this year, now would be the time to do so.
Many of our volunteers have been putting in a great deal of time and effort over the past year since we started this specific project, and fatigue is setting in. As a result, we’ve started to discuss new ways to structure our project team that is more efficient. If you’ve ever wanted to help with the development of this course, please contact us ([email protected]) and we can see if you’d be a good fit for one of the open roles.
Street Epistemology Website
We’ve rekindled discussions to assess our current websites and how they meet the needs of the people who come to visit them. Keep an eye out for a couple of online hangouts where we’ll share our ideas and listen to yours. We’re excited to take what we’ve learned from designing the SE course and apply it to the creation of a more useful website. Once we hold those meetings we’ll be looking for a small team of people to help us make this new site a reality. More on that soon.
Supporting SE Content Creators
As you may be aware, one of SEI’s goals is to apply donated funds to folks who are working to bring SE to others in the most responsible way possible. We’ve received a couple more funding requests from people needing various equipment and software to create video examples of SE, which is really great to see. We’re doing our best to find ways to responsibly provide these resources to others so our donors can be assured that we are using their contributions wisely.
We’ve also been tidying our bylaws, policies, and descriptions of duties so that our board members have more clearly defined roles. A tedious but necessary task to ensure that SEI will be able to keep working efficiently as we continue to grow over the coming years.
On a personal note, I’ve given a few talks and have a couple more interviews scheduled before the end of this year. Going forward, I’m planning to be much more selective when it comes to trips and interviews so that they’ll fall more in line with our efforts to broaden SE out into the wider culture. Although I’m not the best writer, I’ve really enjoyed working on the SE course in particular and would like to see that one through to the very end. More to come.
Best regards,
Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International