Getting the Word Out
People are starting to understand how Street Epistemology can be used to explore all types of belief claims.
10 August 2021
We’re introducing people to Street Epistemology who may not have otherwise heard of it, which of course is one of this organization’s main objectives.
Supporting SE Content Creators
We’ve received a few funding requests over the past few months from people looking to get their SE practices off the ground. Items requested (and often granted) include computers, tables, chairs, signage, cameras, microphones, and sanitizer, to name a few. Our organization wants to encourage as many people as possible to help encourage more respectful inquiry around the world, and we have some funds to help if that’s of interest to you. Just fill out this form.
Developing an SE Training Course
The team creating a self-directed study course for Street Epistemology is making steady progress, often finding themselves needing to schedule side discussions to explore thorny issues. This slows things down a bit.
As a SE course team member myself, I’m frequently overwhelmed by the idea of exactly what we are putting together here, and how it is very likely going to improve people’s interactions on difficult topics across the planet. This idea though has become a motivation to really try and see this thing to completion. I’m hoping that our team will have the first 7 modules completed and public before the end of this year.
Appearing on Shows
Lately I’ve been ratcheting back speaking and/or interview requests with religion-focused channels and podcasts for two main reasons: first, there are plenty of diverse people familiar with SE who can responsibly speak about it and second, I want to spend my time introducing SE to a broader audience beyond atheism and even skepticism. Yep, I think the Street Epistemology toolset, in one form or another, needs to become mainstream.
If any interview I do gets posted to YouTube, I try to add them to this playlist, in case anyone’s interested.
Recently, me and a few other Street Epistemology content creators sat down for a roundtable discussion over Zoom to discuss ways to explore vaccine hesitancy skepticism and other concerns around the COVID-19 virus with author and podcaster David McRaney from the You Are Not So Smart podcast. It was really great to be given a chance to break down SE into its components while showing how it could be used to broach this potentially sensitive subject. If you are active in the SE communities, be on the lookout for new people coming in.
I’m also personally seeing a LOT of interest in how SE has been and could be used to explore people’s reasoning regarding the pandemic. If you have been on the fence about doing some kind of SE practice, recorded or otherwise, this could be a high-demand area at the moment to consider.
Bringing awareness to Street Epistemology is my goal and the goal of this organization. Thanks for supporting us in some way to allow us to continue to do that.
Best regards,
Anthony Magnabosco
Executive Director, Street Epistemology International